Collection: Butterfly Minis

These minis are part of the Matrescence collection. Matrescence is the process of becoming a mother and since my daughter was born I have felt a huge shift in who I am and my priorities. Seeing beauty in all the change and growth has really found it's way into my art. I hope these minis help you to remember that change and growth, while hard, can be beautiful. 

This butterfly design came to me and I couldn't rest until it was designed and in my hands. I felt so free when I decided to just make what I was being called to make without worrying if it would sell or others would like it. In a world where nothing is promised I want to find joy and hope in everything I can. I think there's never enough art and everyone should create in some way. This is my creation and I am sharing it with the world in the hope it brings someone as much as it brought me to make.